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(High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology)

At Alpha Wellness Lab, we are proud to offer a relatively new treatment which helps build lean muscle mass and definition that would otherwise take months to achieve in the gym. Electromagnetism (the technology behind EMSlim) is the most effective in the world when it comes to building muscle. One session is equivalent to doing 20,000 sit-ups or squats! If you want incredibly fast results without having to spend months or years in the gym, then this is the perfect procedure for you. It is the latest innovation in the world of esthetics, helping you achieve a fit body without needing extra time at the gym.

Pros & Cons  


  • A safe, non-invasive, non-surgical option to achieve greater muscle definition in the belly, thighs, and buttocks.

  • Treatments are fast and effective.

  • Also helps strengthen these target areas, leading to functional improvements as well as cosmetic ones.

  • Can be done over a thin layer of clothing, which contributes to the comfort level of some of our patients.

  • Many patients are inspired by their results and recommit to healthy diet and lifestyle practices. 


  • The treatment’s visual impact depends on the patient’s overall body fat and fitness. You will see greater results if you are close to your ideal body weight and already engaged in a healthy lifestyle.

  • Some patients may benefit from additional fat-reduction treatments, as this will not address issues of stretched or sagging skin.

  • While most people see some increased definition immediately, full results take up to six weeks to emerge.

Couples Fitness

What is it?

High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIEMT) uses a powerful but harmless form of electromagnetic stimulation to contract the muscles in a targeted area. These magnetic fields create electrical currents, which are passed to the muscles. When these magnetic pulses are fast enough, they force the muscles to contract, much like they do during times of strenuous exercise. 

Therefore, when the muscles contract enough times, they begin to build muscles and burn fat. This gives the treatments contouring power.


How does it work?

During a treatment, an applicator will be placed over the treatment area to deliver electromagnetic energy directly into the muscle layers. This technology is very effective because it can bypass the skin and fat (which are poor conductors of magnetic energy) and directly stimulate the muscle fibers to contract. The treatment can stimulate as many as 25,000 muscle contractions in a thirty-minute treatment by delivering hundreds of pulses per second. While the result might be the equivalent of powering through thousands of crunches in a single session, you won’t feel the same pain or experience days and days of soreness. The intensity of the treatment can also be controlled and adjusted to the patient’s comfort level. After your treatment is finished, you’ll walk out of the office and resume all your normal daily activities. With this treatment, there is no downtime, which is a huge plus!‍

What to expect at a treatment.

The process consists of two parts—consultation and the procedure.

At your consultation appointment, we'll create a customized sculpting plan tailored specifically to your goals and your body. We'll discuss a treatment plan that will help us achieve your desired results and the overall cost. At the end of your consultation, we'll schedule your treatment.


At the treatment, a paddle-like applicator is placed over the treatment site and loosely secured with a velcro strap. The electromagnetic current delivered via the applicator passes easily through the skin, fat, and even a thin layer of clothing, causing muscle contractions. The result is stronger, more conditioned, and more toned muscles.‍


Treatment usually includes four 30-minute non-surgical sessions to reduce fat, enhance muscle tone, and contour the body—giving patients complete body definition as opposed to simple fat reduction. 

What areas can you treat?

EMSlim treats muscle laxity throughout various areas of the body, including the: 

  • Buttocks

  • Abdominal area

  • Triceps

  • Biceps

  • Thighs

Am I a candidate?

The ideal patient is close to their target body weight and looking to enhance muscle definition in specific parts of their body, namely the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.  Some conditions may prevent patients from utilizing this technology, such as IBS, seizure disorders, and electronic or metal implants such as copper IUDs or heart stents. Please contact our office if you are interested.


Does it work?

Several clinical studies and publications have investigated the success of treatments. One study tested the efficacy of non-invasive buttock augmentation and lifting with this technology and found that patients were highly satisfied. Digital photographs observed marked improvements that this is a sustainable alternative to butt augmentations that use fat transfer and liposuction.


A similar study used MRI photographs to analyze the growth in the bicep, tricep, and calf muscle tone after treatment.  The MRI showed an average increase in muscle mass for all three muscle groups. The biceps increased by 17.1 percent, triceps increased by 10.2 percent, and calf muscle increased by 14.6 percent. This illustrates this technology is a viable treatment for both arm and calf toning. 


Does it hurt?

During a treatment, your muscles will work hard, completing hundreds of contractions per minute, but you should not feel pain. Depending upon your settings, it might feel "intense," in which case we can easily turn it down with the press of a button. Surprisingly, most of our patients are NOT sore after their session. The reason is that the technology does not tear any muscle fibers—it merely contracts the muscles. You may feel like you got a good workout in, but chances are you won't feel overly sore.‍


Will this make me stronger?

This will indeed improve muscle conditioning, and the results are cumulative with each session. Most of our patients feel stronger and notice a difference in their regular activities, including their daily fitness routines. Some patients also report other benefits such as improved back pain and better posture by strengthening the core. ‍

How long do results last?

Many patients notice an improvement right away, but results will fully emerge after several weeks as muscle fibers strengthen and muscle mass increases. We recommend four to six treatments in total, and with each session, you’ll both feel stronger and see more and more definition. Your results may even spark a renewed commitment to a healthy diet and lifestyle, which will help to maintain your results for up to six months. We recommend a follow-up treatment every four to six weeks for those who wish to maintain their results regularly.


Combining Treatments

As a relatively new treatment in the world of medical body contouring, we are proud to be one of the first providers in the area to provide this service to our patients. Not only are the before and after results amazing, but our patients are pleasantly surprised at the ease of the treatment and the lack of downtime. If you want maximum body contouring, consider combining this technology with cryolipolysis (fat freezing). We would love the opportunity to show you the possibilities. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation and treatment plan.‍

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